The neem tree, a member of the mahogany family, is native to Southeast Asia where it has been known for thousands of years as a medicinal plant, hence its nickname the “pharmacy tree.” Virtually every part of the tree from the seeds to the leaves, oil, bark, roots, flowers and […]
3 posts
It’s something you do several times a day (hopefully) and you probably give it little thought. The surprising fact is, your daily brushing with that big label toothpaste just may be contributing to your mouth sores. The culprit: the ubiquitous sodium laurel sulfate, commonly known as SLS. Researchers still don’t […]
While canker sores on the gums, tongue, inside cheeks, inner lips and soft palate can plague a person for numerous reasons, in many cases there are easy steps you can take to help reduce your outbreaks. Change Your Toothpaste Just about all toothpastes contain an ingredient called sodium laurel sulfate, […]